Usinatech has long been a trusted Tier 1 supplier of custom precision parts for powersports vehicles.
OEMS across North America and Europe rely heavily on our A-Z turnkey solutions and deep expertise to secure a reliable supply of high-volume, high-quality manufactured metal parts, such as CVTs, drivetrain components and fully assembled components. We apply automotive quality standards to all our products, regardless of industry.


Recreational vehicle OEMs need more than just an experienced precision parts manufacturer.
They need a dependable partner who can ensure a constant flow of complex, high-quality and high-volume parts and assemblies that are fully functional and compliant. They also need a partner with deep A-Z expertise and a proven production line, with sites close to the final assembly plants to simplify manufacturing and minimize logistics costs.


As a Tier 1 vertically integrated manufacturer and assembler of precision machined parts for recreational vehicles, our teams in Canada and Mexico can handle everything from raw materials to assembly and heat treatment.

We offer deep engineering expertise and sequencing agility to deliver fully functional machined parts that are durable, compact and light. Our physical location in the ALADI market also means we can ensure the compliance of parts. Discover how we can meet your needs.


Usinatech offers precision machining and metal parts manufacturing for industrial vehicles and other markets, such as gears and chassis on automated guided vehicles and mobile robots. We can produce parts in the 20k and over volume range.


Learn more about our high-volume precision machining and metal parts manufacturing and assembly services for OEMS and tier 1 suppliers of precision machined parts for powersports vehicles. We serve clients across the U.S, Canada, Mexico and Europe.